How to Start a Huge Career in Tech
This course will teach you how to pick the right career in IT
* This is a practical Masterclass with 1 on 1 session with every participant to help you create your game-plan.
* You will understand different areas of technology and the entry barriers.
* You will find your path in technology, whether you are just starting out or you already did.
* You will learn how you can access scholarships, internships and funding for your career.*
* You will be exposed to strategies on how you can get your foot in the door.*
* At the end of this course, you will know which IT area is fit for you and the next steps to take.
* You will commit to your 6 months game plan and be on your path to $100,000 pay check.
* Cost only 100 CAD.
* Next Session Starts 29th July 2022.
Find your path in IT
Learn how to figure out which IT areas best suits you.
Understand the entry barrier in IT and how to navigate them
Different IT path has different entry barrier, understand all of them and make an informed decision
6 Month Game-Plan
The coach will work with every student to design their 6 month-game plan
100 CAD only
Please Book as early as possible . We have only 20 seats in a session. If you cannot get a spot, I encourage you to still book , you will get a reservation for next session.